DoIT's Dustin Roddy Receives UMBC Athletics' Gritty Award
Limelight shines on behind-the-scenes producer
During its annual "Gritty Awards" last Wednesday, May 7, UMBC Athletics went "off script" and surprised DoIT's Dustin Roddy, by awarding him the 2017-18 Leon Upshur Memorial Award for "outstanding...
Posted: May 15, 2018, 9:57 AM

DoIT Upgrades New Media Studio to HD
More Modern Facilities Are "A Boon to Students"
Over the summer, DoIT replaced all of the New Media Studio’s analog, standard-definition TV production equipment to high definition (HD). This included three new Sony HD cameras and related...
Posted: August 25, 2017, 3:34 PM

DoIT, Athletics, MCS Team Up to Put UMBC on ESPN
Behind the scenes of student-produced basketball games
A year ago, Athletic Director Tim Hall and VP of IT Jack Suess had a vision to bring together UMBC students, young alumni, and outside professionals for sports production. Eli Eisenberg, President...
Posted: April 26, 2017, 12:38 PM

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